Membership Options

Bourbon Barrel CrossFit offers multiple types of memberships to match your individual or family needs. We do not require any contracts or start up fees. Check below for the best option for you.

Individual Membership

This option is best for anyone seeking membership for one person. This includes unlimited access to classes that match.

Kid membership includes 2x a week. Teen membership includes 2x a week and additional classes with permission. Adult membership includes unlimited classes and open gym.

Adult/Teen Unlimited Membership: $90/month

1 Teen/Kid unlimited : $60/Month

Open Gym Membership

If you aren’t sure that you can make it to the gym during class time you may opt for an open gym membership. This grants you access to the gym during non class times. You may attend the Saturday class included in this membership option only.

This is for 18+ only

Personal Coaching Sessions

You may not be sure you are ready for a class, maybe a class environment feels overwhelming to you; personal coaching sessions may be the answer for you.

These sessions will be tailored to meet your individual needs or that of you and a friend for a discounted coaching opportunity.

If you are interested in setting up a 15 minute consult with one of our coaches please select the coach below that best meets your current needs and we can get you started on your path to health and wellness.

Couples Membership

For two individuals that reside at the same residence seeking to join together. Monthly membership includes unlimited access for adult members. Teens can attend 2x a week for the teen classes and additional classes with permission. Kids may attend 2x a week.

Two adults: $170/month

2 Kids/Teens: $100

Drop In

You may just be able to make it from time to time or maybe you aren’t ready to commit to joining a gym at this time. The drop in option allows you to pay as you come. This option also works for kids/teens not able to come consistently due to life schedules or other sports or hobbies they may have. You may pay for a drop by through Venmo @BBCF2012 or cash at the time of class.

Adult/Teen Drop In: $20/class

Kid Drop In: $10/class

Out of town Drop In:

$20/Class or $50 for 1 week


We offer some discounts to members in the helping/first responder field to reduce your membership. If you fit into any of the below categories we will adjust your membership costs to reflect the appropriate discount.




-Military/Retired Military

-Police officers/State troopers

*Discounted amounts are based on the type of membership and number of people

Family Membership

To meet the unique needs of the family and support fitness for the family we have some family options. All family memberships include unlimited classes for adults and open gym.

Kids/Teens may attend the classes appropriate for their age.

Teens may attend additional adult classes with permission from the owner.

Unlimited Family of 3: $200/month

Family 1 adult +2 kids: $150

Family 2 adults +1 Kid: $180

$40 for each additional kid/adult family member**

Punch Card

You want to ensure that you find time to workout but you also may have a few other fitness passions at the same time. The punch card gives you a discount on a drop in rate but allows you access to classes and balance in your fitness routine. Passes are good for 1 year and are good for 10 classes.

$90/ 10 classes