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WOD 2/1/2017

Warm up: 5 minutes of cardio and dynamic mobility

Then:15 Minutes Mobility- foam roll legs, lacrosse ball, hip stretch, ankles.

(1 Hang Clean + 2 Jerks) x 8
OHS 6×3

WOD: 7 Minute AMRAP
Body Blasters (burpee + jumping pull up + knee to elbow)
Deadlifts (155/115)

WOD 1/31/2017

Warm up: 5 minutes cardio/trainer led warm up

Strength: 10 Minutes to complete:
Hang Clean 3×5
Hang Snatch 3×5

Complete 1 Round of the following EMOM to establish target reps for each minute.

20 Minute EMOM

1st 10 minutes Alternating
Dumbbell Snatch (50/30)
Slam ball cleans (50/30)

2nd 10 minutes Alternating
Banded Broad jumps (green/blue)
Thruster (45/35)

Score is lowest reps/movement/minute

WOD 1/30/17

Warm up: 5 Minutes cardio/mobility/trainer led warm up

8 Minute EMOM
5 Pull ups and 5 T2B
30 Seconds DU

Filthy 50
50 box jumps (24/20)50 jumping pull-ups
50 kettlebell swings (53/35)
50 walking-lunge steps
50 knees-to-elbows
50 push presses (45/35)
50 back extensions
50 wall-ball shots (20/14)
50 burpees
50 double-unders

WOD 1/28/17

Warm up: 5 minutes cardio/trainer led warm up


50-40-30-20-10 (KBS)

10-20-30-40-50 (Calories)

10-8-6-4-2 (Burpees over rower)

Partner A completes 50 KBS while B completes 10 calorie row and 10 burpees over the rower then switch

WOD 1/27/17

Warm up: 5 minutes cardio/trainer led warm up

Strength: Bench Press 5×5

WOD: 30 Minute As many meters as possible


1 minute rest


1 minute rest


1 minute rest

*continue to increase by 100m and rest 1 minute for 15 minutes, then decrease and try to complete the same distance in the remaining 15 minutes

WOD for 1/26/17

Warm up 5 minutes cardio/trainer led warm up

Jerks 4×6 (from the rack)
OHS 4×6

12 Minute AMRAP
2 Muscle Ups (Sub 2 pull ups/2 dips)
8 Deadlifts (185/115)
8 Abmat Sit ups
8 KBS (53/35)

WOD for 1/25/17

Warm up: 5 Minutes Cardio/Trainer led warm up

5 Rounds-NOT for time
5 T2B
30 double unders

5 Rounds
9 Power Cleans 135/95
9 Box Jumps 30/24″

WOD for 1/24/17

Warm up: 5 minute cardio/trainer led warm up and mobility

Back Squat 3×10 @ 60% 1RM
Dumbbell Strict Press 4×5

10 min AMRAP:
8 DB/KB Clean/press (4 each sides) 53/35
6 Cal bike
4 strict pull ups

Skill Work:
Double Under Work: Focus on jump speed and wrist speed

WOD for 1/23/17

Warm up: 5 Minute Cardio

Trainer led warm up

Superman/Hollow Hold tabata
8×4 Single Leg KB Deadlift

Mobility for snatch

WOD: “13.1”
17 min AMRAP:
40 Burpees to 6 in target
Snatch, 30 reps 75/45lb (45/35-55+/scaled)
30 Burpees
Snatch, 30 reps 135/75 (75/55)
20 Burpees
Snatch, 30 reps 165/100 )100/75)
10 burpees
Snatch, AMRAP 210/120 )120/90)

Rx: male/female up to age 54 listed above
Masters Weight 55+ /Scaled Weights
*If unable to complete the weights suggested please use a weight that is safe for you while still being able to increase with each set

Saturday 1.21.17 Swim WOD

Warm up: 5 Minute moderate paced swim (alternating strokes every 25)

Strength/Skill: Alternating 8 round Tabata of:

Kicking on the side of the pool

Treading water (hands out of water if possible)

WOD: 24 Minute EMOM

Minute 1: 25m Sprint

Minute 2: 10 pool MU

Minute 3: 50 Meter Kick

Cool Down: 5 Minute moderate paced swim (alternating strokes every 25)

WOD for 1/17/17

Warm up: 5 Minutes Cardio/Dynamic Warm up/Shoulder mobility

Mobility: 10 Minute mobility of Shoulders, hips, ankles

Strength: 15 Min EMOM
1st Min – Calorie Row (rx+20, rx 15, scaled 10)
2nd Min – 1 Hang Snatch into 6 Overhead Squats (95/65)
3rd Min- 8 Banded Jumps

Part B: 15 Minute AMRAP
GHD Sit ups
KB Snatches (53/35) Scaled DB or 35/26
Box Jumps (24/20) Scaled step ups

20 DU after each number/round

WOD for 1/13/17

Warm up: 5 Minutes of cardio then trainer led warm up

Strength: 12 Minutes to find your

1RM Power snatch + Hang Snatch (Bar may not go back to the ground between reps)


4 rounds; 3 minutes to complete each round-rest for the duration of the 3 minutes, if unable to complete the reps in the 3 minutes scale back for the next round.

Rx +

15 burpees

/20 KB Swings 70/53

25 jumping air squats


11 burpees

18 swings 52/35

20 jumping air squats


8 burpees

15 swings 53/35

20 air squats

WOD for 1-10-2017

Warm up:

5 Minutes cardio/Trainer led warm up


Back Squat 4×3

Bench Press 4×5


3 rounds for time of:

15 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

15 Burpees


Monday 1-9-17

Warm up: 5 Minutes cardio/Trainer led warm up

Strength:50% 1RM

Strict Press 3×10

Front Squat 3×10


WOD: Pick one


20 Minute AMRAP

5 pull ups

10 push ups

15 Air Squats


5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups